Vulnhub - Pumpkin Festival
Today, we are going to pwn Pumpkin Festival from Vulnhub.
Nmap #
Starting off with the nmap using nmap -sV -sC -A -p- -T5
reveals that we have FTP, HTTP and SSH at 6880.
Tokens #
From the first discovery I found that flag are named as token and that is our challenge i.e. finding all tokens.
First #
First one was at the botttom of the HTML page can be viewed upon inspection of the page.
Second #
With the result of nmap scan we seen that anaonymous login is open. Using the package ftp
we logged into the machine and in the directory named secret we found a file named token.txt
having the second token.
PumpkinToken : 2d6dbbae84d724409606eddd9dd71265
Third #
This one requires bruteforcing the FTP service in order to get token, as we have inspected HTTP client for first we saw that there is a user named harry. On the basis of that assumption, using hydra -l harry -P rockyou.txt ftp -t 60
, it will take some time so don’t get impatient.
Password of user harry:-
Logging in with user harry shows that we have a token.txt
and a directory named Donotopen
. Get the token and start changing directories.
PumpkinToken : ba9fa9abf2be9373b7cbd9a6457f374e
Forth #
While logged in FTP, and chanaging bunch NO named nested directories, we get another token and a data.txt
PumpkinToken : f9c5053d01e0dfc30066476ab0f0564c
That data.txt
was a tar file which can be confirmed using file data.txt
Extracting it gives a hex encoded OpenSSL Private Key.
Fifth #
Checking robots.txt
on a HTTP we get see a /tarck/track.txt
, going to that webpage we see:-
Hey Jack!
Thanks for choosing our local store. Hope you like the services. Tracking code : 2542 8231 6783 486
-Regards admin@pumpkins.local
seems interesting, editing the hosts file we add pumpkia.local
. After this, we get a wordpress temed website. Using wpscan doesn’t give any interesting results. So, using dirb we see a lot of pages which can be seen at any normal wordpress website.
Going to readme.html
it shows a base?? encoded data, using CyberChef and trying multiple bases we can see it’s a base64 data which decodes to credentails.
Semantic Personal Publishing Platform
-- This content is removed because of security purposes --
morse & jack : Ug0t!TrIpyJ
So, logging into the wordpress with as morse we see that there is a flag in biographical info.
PumpkinToken : 7139e925fd43618653e51f820bc6201b
Sixth #
Now, so we had a OpenSSL private key, we can use it to get into the machine via SSH as jack with ssh -i key jack@ -p 6880
we get into the system.
In the home directory we can see a ELF named token, running it we can get our seventh token.
PumpkinToken : 8d66ef0055b43d80c34917ec6c75f706
Root #
Using wordpress credentials for jack we can use sudo. Using sudo -l
we can see that creating a file within /home/jack/pumpkin/alohomora
we can execute any binary. From our previous encounter of privilege escalation we are going to create a binary named alohooa.
jack@pumpkin:~/pumpkins$ echo "/bin/sh" > alohomora
jack@pumpkin:~/pumpkins$ chmod +x alohomora
jack@pumpkin:~/pumpkins$ sudo ./alohomora
# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
# whoami; id; cd root; cat *.txt
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
Hence, checking the root directory we can see a great art of pumpkin.