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Vulnhub - Tr0ll:1

Today, we are going to pwn Troll:1 from Vulnhub by maleus.

Nmap #

Running a nmap scan on the machine for analysing the services running on the machine. Doing that so, nmap -sV -sC -A -p- -T5

FTP Enumeration #

From our nmap scan we knew that it FTP has Anonymous login enabled, so using ftp package we log in to ftp as anonymous user and found there was a lol.pcap.

Opening it in wireshark, we can see there is a secret_txt somewhat existed in a network from where this traffic was captured. So I tried to follow the TCP stream and found that there is a directory mentioned in that specific file.

HTTP Service Enumeration #

Beforehand, I tried checking robots.txt and found out that we have been trolled again from the mentioned /secret page like the index page.

Robots.txt’s content:-

Disallow: /secret

From that pcap file we founded a directory reference so let’s try it,that directory listing from the web I found that there is a binary and it was 32 Bit ELF, running it shows the following string:-

robin@oracle:~/Vulnhub/Tr0ll$ ./roflmao
Find address 0x0856BF to proceed

That was a directory reference, going over there I found 2 more directories.

The good_luck directory has which_one_lol.txt having following data:-

genphlux < -- Definitely not this one

Other one has a text file named Pass.txt which says Good_luck:-).

SSH Login and Root Flag #

Using hydra to craft a dictionary attack. since at this point it was way too clear. Now, I tried doing th attack with hydra -L new.txt -P pass.txt ssh which was giving a error, I had no idea what is happening sice the machine involved some trolling for the users, aftering spending 15 minutes on the argument being provided to the hydra, I tried hydra -L user.txt -p Pass.txt ssh which gave us the password Pass.txt for user overflow, oh god that was definitely a good troll.

Now, there are some commands I usually run in order to find anything interesting, so while trying them, I found the linux kernel is way too old usingg uname -a which in our case seems exploitabe. Using this exploit, I downloaded it on my host machine and started a local HTTP server via python -m SimpleHTTPServer 1337 in order to transfer te file to the machine.

Now, I checked whether the machine has gcc installed or not and to our surprise it does. Now,let’s compile and run it already. Using gcc -o root root.c since I renamed that file to root.c. Running that exploit gave us root shell.

The Flag #

Time to get flag:-

That was it, until then enjoy.

Fun #

While enumerating the system I found in /opt folder which was the cause of our automatic connection close because of timing constraints. Here, it’s content:-

Just after checking it, I got disconnected.